Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Baby Stroller

  • After passengers get off, the bus driver closes the back door, only to open it again when told a woman needs to get a baby carriage on. The young mother wrestles with the stroller. A grey-haired man reaches down for the front axle, helps lift it up, then walks back to the second section of the articulated bus.
  • The mother maneuvers the stroller into the wide area opposite the back doors, and the driver closes them. The mother sets the brake and makes her way through the standees to pay while the bus rolls into traffic. "She has more faith in a stroller brake than I do," I think, but an older woman, who has been on the bus for several stops, has her hand on the handle.
  • Baby is safe
  • See also http://jerusalemblog.blogspot.com/2006/06/gazelles.html and http://jerusalemblog.blogspot.com/2006/09/number-4-bus.html and http://jerusalemblog.blogspot.com/2006/07/bus-station.html

Copyright 2006 Jane S. Fox

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