Friday, March 09, 2012

Shushan Purim

Mimes, acrobats, Flamenco music and dance, children's entertainers, and other performances entertained massive crowds today on the Ben Yehuda Midrakhov.

This year the Jerusalem Municipality's T"u b'Shvat activities ( ) were cancelled. Stated reason was the weather, but as it did not rain that day I think the real reason was the strike of regular workers in support of benefits for contract workers.

The performers are appearing today, on Ben Yehuda and elsewhere in the city, and drawing more crowds than I've seen on T'u b'Shvat in past years.

The Flamenco performers were particularly good and included the excellent singer who has appeared at the best flamenco concerts ( ) and as a guest soloist with the Andalusian Orchestra of Ashdod. You'd think I'd remember his name by now.

Thank you, Google. His name is Yehuda Shwaiki.

Walking home, from the windows of several apartments the Book of Esther being read to the audible enjoyment of families.

Copyright 2012 Jane S. Fox

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