Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Driving Distracts

  • Driving distract from seeing.
  • The next few entries describe an hour-long walk from the top of Derekh Aza down, down to the Malkha Mall. Along the way (except for the last 10 minutes) are bus stops, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, small shops selling soft drinks, and some of the best felafel in Jerusalem. Still, I wouldn't try it during the heat of the hottest days.
  • After that, descriptions of a bus ride back up, and across, and up some more. Watch people in one direction and buildings in the other. Two dollars and fifty cents (for the round trip) gets you a survey of ethnic groups and 150 years of architecture, with a millenium and more off in the middle distance.
  • For walking or bus riding, the complete Carta street map is very helpful. It gives almost every street name and keeps you oriented (if you paid attention in the third grade to the use of maps) as the bus loops and zigzags or you lose track, on a cloudy day, of which way is east.
  • starts you on one walking tour. starts you on one bus tour. For both, follow the internal links.

Coyright 2006 Jane S. Fox

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