Sunday, January 09, 2011

Saadia Gaon 14

The front yard of the apartment building at Saadia Gaon 14 (on the other side of the valley from the Israel Museum) displays either an art installation or a creative way to get plastic containers out of the house. Large opaque plastic jugs -- the kind that hold bleach, fabric softener, detergent, and the like -- are arranged around the space. Lots of them. Yellow, green, red, blue, and gold. Abobe six or seven of them are miniature windmills -- not the picturesque Dutch kind like the Rehavia and Yemin Moshe wind mills, but the thin bladed modern kind. Under two or three of these jugs lie on their sides, set with electric clocks, perhaps run from batteries charged by wind power. If this weren't art, neighbors would complain. I'll make a note of the name prominently displayed -- probably the name of a well=known artists whose art I can't say I exactly appreciate, but I did stop and look and smile.

Two signs say "Medad (Yisrael) Daniel." Can't find him on the Web.

Copyright 2010 Jane Schulzinger Fox



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