Thursday, January 02, 2014

Finding the Seam Museum

Never been there, but after the cashier at the Islamic Art Museum told a bewildered tourist she was not the first to wander in looking for the Seam Museum, I looked it up. To be sure, I first thought she said "Sea Museum," and wondered why there'd be one in Jerusalem. thinks the Seam museum is at the corner of Palmakh and HaNasi -- not surprising as also thinks Chel Handassa Street is over here where Katamon meets Talbieh.

The Seam Museum is actually on the seam, which is to say the old green line that separated East Jerusalem from West Jerusalem 1949-1967. The museum, whose official name is The Museum on the Seam, website ( )has a good map hidden away at .

If you want to go there by taxi, show the driver that map, and make sure he (it seems it is always a he) does not use his GPS.

But if you end up at the Islamic Art Museum, spend some time there.

Copyright 2013 by Jane Schulzinger Fox
